Our range of heavy duty Automatic bandsaw machines are available in pivot action and dual column design to cover all types of sawing application. From Mild steel, Stainless steel, Super alloy, Titanium, Aluminium profiles and Non Ferrous materials. The NC/SNC series has been specially designed to facilitate the high performance industrial sawing requires during mass production. The easy to operate human interface can store up to 100 jobs as standard on all our machines. Once the material has been loaded, the required cut length and volume set, the machine will automatically handle all subsequent operations.

Benefits of using Sawcraft
We pride ourselves on working hand-in-hand with each customer to ensure that you take away the product that is right for you. We are a dedicated team with all the technical expertise required to formulate cutting solutions to meet individual sawing needs. Sawcraft is driven by quality but endeavours to find the most cost efficient cutting solutions. As specialists, we provide the complete range of saw blades and band saw machines at the forefront of research and technological development.